Out of her head, she sang


Let me take this time to
Ask you, inform you
Of all the things you did not know
I'm sorry
I can't be the cure for your life
You were always by my side

Life spent without rain
You will always be the heart in me
You will always be
The past the love the memories

songs about you

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Good morning world, the earth says hello :) It's 5++am now and i'm wide awake. Suddenly I have the urge to post something. Hahah. Just a quickie yea?

No matter how hard others try to put me down and make my life miserable, I'll never give up on life. Instead, i'll take it as a lesson. Humans are just humans you see. It's fun for them to toy with others' feelings because to them it's like an entertainment. I am not a dancing marionette, thank you verymuch :D and i won't let your shitty actions affect my life.

Anywayyyy school has been uber-awesome. Post-promo activities totally kick ass. :) I'll update more about this later. Today and tmr are just normal lessons. Monday's a holiday because its teh promotional exercise :S i'm scared. Will I be able to get promoted to year 2? *sigh* I hope. Insyaallah. Tuesday, getting all the scripts back. And on the 31st(HALLOWEEEEEEN.lol) getting back our results slip. OMGEEEZ. I'm kinda excited(wth) but absolutely nervous, so nervous that i'll pee in my panties. LOL.
Oh well, I wish my beloved class all the best. :) I love you 09A3. (hehe so mushy) My class is so the bonding2. I really hope we won't be separated next year. Pwetty prease?

So last night i heard there'd be a shooting stars? I was too tired and sleepy to stay up at 1am. Besides, i'm living in the west. WE CANNOT SEE SHOOTING STARS HERE. Damn you east siders! Haha. I'm telling ya, when i'm older i'll be living in the east side. It's much more peaceful there and the air is fresher. The west side is full of factories and smoke *coughcough*
The people in the east side are pretty laid back. Dontcha agree? hehe. Must find boyfriend there. Hahaha k nonsense.

HOLIDAYS ARE COMING SOON. I wanna do lots of things + studying! :P Yah no life right? Screw you :) Yes you. *points at the reader* Haha.
Like finally 17. It's so unfair cause most of my friends are like already 17 and gonna turn 18 in few months time. AND ME? Still 16. Pretty pathetic. :( And still, cannot watch all the M18 movies. Dammit.

I love children :D (not in a sicko way....but in a motherly way. chey!) Last night right, my mom forced me to eat dinner at IMM banquet. While waiting for my parents to buy the food i was dozing off on the table. hahaha. Lazyswine. But seriously i was damn tired from the day's activity. Visit OCS and all. I think my eyes were tired from looking at alot of cuties there. HAHA. tsktsk. Oh yea you must be wondering what does all this nonsense i just typed have to do w/ children right? Aha, wait. Lol. So yea when my mommy woke me up she said to me, Eh never layan your members over there? Then i was like heh? *sleepy confused face*. She points to the kids towards my right. And i was like uhh. too tired la. Haha. I looked at them and then there was this little boy around 3 years old, looked at me. So i just smiled at him and then he was like acting coy. Smilesmile all that. HAHAHA OMG SO CUTE BUT CHEEKY la. See, this proves that boys are all GATAL(cheeky) since young. xP then I started to stick out my tongue at him and all that.I know im childish,sorry. Haha. Then mommy said, Ah see. Layan jugak. Hehehehe. So cuteeee la. The adik more cuter. So fat then he was like running around the place. Ah little kids make me happy. :) Can't wait to have my own. LOL. And i'm only 16. *sulks* Oh and i realised that my posts are always very random and i don't stick to one topic? hahah. Sorry babies, that's just me.

Okay enough baby talk. It's nearly 6. Gotta go bathe. hahaha. Ew yes i know :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009
I hate buffering

Sometimes I wonder why people are just plain dumb.
And I think my brain is malfunctioning. Lol. And I no longer have emotions (heh?) *shrugs*
Anyway, since exams are over and I'm seriously bored as hell, I think i'm gonna start reading Taming Of the Shrew and research about the Elizabethan era. Gonna get a head start in things. It's better than wasting my time on stupid guys or losers who have no life at all, right? *nods*
Oh and I have yet to finish reading Tess. Two more phases and i'm done. I must say I've watched the movie versions and they're so much interesting. (duh) But obviously the book is more detailed (eventhough its dry).

So my plan for this week is to start reading my lit texts and study mob. Since my teacher is starting on a new topic next week, might as well start reading the chapter eh. :D
What about geography? Hmmm. Think i'll put that aside for now. LOL. Geez, if any geog teachers were to read this, they'd be sad. I can't help it. It's my least favourtie subject for now :P
Anywho i'm pretty excited for the coming holidays. Hehehe. I like performing. I mean i'm not bragging neither am i saying that I have a nice singing voice but, I just love singing. Yes, since I was a little girl. And no, i don't attend any vocal trainings so quit asking me.
And i want to write songs with yusri. It's like a side project uh. :D And going to cover some songs with some friends. And going to be in a band. I hope these people are pretty serious in forming a band. Because, i don't like people who just form a band cause it's like "teh coolest thing everr". Or just for fun? And then in the end, habuk pun takde. Ala okay la the latter is fine though. Heh. But not the former.

I think flirting is fine. But we should always set limits. I mean lets say if you're already attached and you think it's fun to flirt with other people then at least set a borderline luh.
And I hate it when people lie. I hate it more when people are being unfaithful. Seriously, they should just go and fly kite la k.
Sometimes I think i'm too nice and too naive. And I fall for people easily. But! I also fall out of that "liking" phase easily. Which is a good thing.
However if i fall in love, well that's a total different thing. Infact i've only been in love once in my whole entire life. And when it ended, I fell down hard. Took me awhile to get over him. Infact I'm still unsure whether i've moved on. I think I have but the memories still lingers on.

Oh yes I also think that the phrase "I love you" is meaningless nowadays. It's repetitive and vague. Because by uttering merely those words, it's not enough. Actions speak louder than words. Totally.
And I think marriage is getting more and more meaningless because the main idea of marriage is being diminished by society. It's merely just a status now if you ask me. Human in this era are being more selfish, self centered, materialistic and irresponsible. Why get married then if you know that 5 years down the road, you'll get a divorce? Who will suffer in the end? No, not the parents. But the children. And what if history repeats itself in the next generation? It becomes a vicious cycle. I see that alot nowadays. So in other words, don't get married if you're an irresponsible, materialistic self-centered bitch/fag.

We're living in repetition, content in the same old shtick again.
Now the routine's turning to contention,
like a production line going over and over and over, roller coaster.
-Green Day

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
here we go again

Wanted to post about alot of happy stuff(s) but the misery consumes me still. What scares me the most is that, I've lost my ability to cry. Is that even possible?! Sounds stupid, I know. But it frustrates me. I want to let it all out but I just can't anymore. I guess i'm just immune to it all to the extent that crying doesn't give me comfort anymore.

Sometimes i just feel like running away from it all
and just find some place to hide, away from all the pain.
Away from everyone and every single living thing on earth
in the darkness and in silence.

As much as i want comfort from them, i know they'd never understand what i'm going through.
Words can bring comfort but it's only short-lived.
The problem stays. The pain would never fade.

I'm not the kind of person who would just take things easily and let it off my shoulders just like that. No I am not. I'm the kind of person who'd sit down, ponder about it for a moment and reflect on it.

Sometimes I wish I'd just disappear into thin air.
like *poof*